Thursday, June 28, 2012

My Birth Bundle- Birthing From Within

Walking the labrynth.
We had our last Birthing From Within class this week. It was a wonderful experience that I believe better prepared me for the birth of this sweet baby and also brought me closer to my husband. Forget those classes that the hospital offers. I highly recommend this class to anybody expecting a baby whether your first or tenth.

On the last day of class, the ladies were asked to bring a birth bundle. It should contain at least three objects. One that represents the mother, one that represents the father, and one that represents the baby. It should be wrapped in a cloth of some sort that has meaning and is all bundled up but can easily be opened. We sat on the floor in a circle and shared out bundles with everyone.

For the motherly object, I chose my birth candle. It is very special to me because it was lit during the birth of two of my friends that I am incredibly inspired by. When I think of motherhood, I think of being lit up. Like being on fire. Motherhood has made me radiate with passion like the flame of a candle so I felt the candle was perfect and it is a sisterhood of support.

For the fatherly object, I chose a tree. A strong oak tree. When I think of Dru, I think of stability, reliability, safety. We got married at eighteen and twenty and are about to celebrate our ten year wedding anniversary. His roots are deep and he is always there to provide comfort and I believe he always will be. He is an introvert that needs to analyze things before diving right in. He is always changing and growing but sometimes it is not noticeable until you look back, similar to when you see a picture of the tree in your back yard from a few years ago and it looks so tiny even though you never noticed it growing. He is my tree and I feel most at home being wrapped in his branches.

For the object to symbolize the baby, I chose sunshine. When I began bleeding this pregnancy after recently miscarrying a baby, I was devastated. We all were. I would sit and cry and sing to my baby. Ila would comfort me and sing with me. We would sing, “You are my sunshine.” I would always bawl my eyes out at “please don't take my sunshine away.” We found out we had lost a twin which was really hard but we also found out we had a healthy baby whose heart was beating away. This baby is our sunshine and we are so aware of how blessed we are.

Funny story on how I got the actual object. I couldn't find anything at home that represented sunshine so I headed to the store. I asked Ila if she wanted anything and she said, “bowling”. During our four week class, our friends graciously watched Ila for us so we could get this experience. Ila played bowling there so I decided it was a good gift for me to pick up for her. While walking the ENTIRE store, I couldn't find anything to represent sunshine. I was about to leave and I looked down at the bowling set box and right on it was a picture of a sun that said, “My Sunshine” right on it. Just a moment that I felt that I was exactly where I was supposed to be doing exactly what I was supposed to be doing.

I added one more object to my bundle. The moonstone I wore while I was in labor with Ila. My mom gave it to me and I will wear it or at least bring it to this birth. I just felt it needed to be included.

For the cloth that bundled it all together, I used a sleeve from my great grandmother's robe and a scarf that belonged to my other great grandmother. Two very special pieces.

It was emotional to share my bundle but I'm so glad that I got the opportunity. The guys had surprises for us to end the class but I'll keep that a secret in case you are going to be attending. It was wonderful!

Did you take a birth class?

If you are in the Charleston, SC and interested in Birthing From Within classes, please check out

Check out my Facebook page!

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  1. It brought tears to my eyes to read about the special moment you realized there was a sun on the bowling box! Those are precious moments in life that I know I cherish; when you are reassured and refreshed by witnessing seemingly random pieces fall into place. I hope I can find such a "warm" class to prepare us when Justin and I are blessed with a child. Best Wishes Always!

    1. I truly believe that everything is and always has been exactly as it should be but little reminders like this are so significant and seem to come right when I need them. We did not take a class like this when we were pregnant with Ila and that is one of my biggest recommendations. So empowering and supportive! Thank you for your comment!


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