Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Pass the Placenta, Please!

What if you heard of a magical pill that was made just for you that helped ward off postpartum depression?  What if you learned it also helped with postpartum recovery such as bleeding and helping your uterus return to its original size quicker?  Milk production?  Yep, it helps increase it!  It also helps balance your entire system and replenishes nutrients lost during childbirth.  It gives you energy and just helps you have a happier postpartum period.  It could even help you adjust to menopause!  The best part, no scary side effects!

 Sounds great right?  You would take it in a heartbeat if it were prescribed by a doctor.  Well, what if you found out it was your placenta?  Now, when I first envisioned eating a placenta it looked like a bloody scene from a Rob Zombie movie.  A creepy stepford housewife sitting in her beautiful dining room wearing a floral dress with a fresh placenta on her plate and fork and knife in hand, with blood dripping from her too perfect smile.  Okay, maybe that was too far but it definitely was not something I ever thought I would do in my life. I thought it was just a crazy cultural thing that was more spiritual than anything else.   It was fine for other women but not for me.

 I then started learning more and more about ingesting your placenta.  You don’t have to actually eat it although some women do.  I am having mine made into capsules so they will look just like any other pill or supplement.  You can take them as needed.  The only side effects I can find are that if you take too many, you may get a headache and that you could have an abundance of milk which to me is not a bad thing.  Most other mammals eat their placentas.  However, most of them eat their own poop on occasion so I guess that’s not a very good point.

 I contemplated doing it myself but after talking it over with some other mamas, I decided to have someone else do it for me.  I am going to have a brand new baby and I'm not even going to cook for awhile.  I certainly don't want to be trying to figure out how to encapsulate my placenta! 

 I am very excited about this!  This amazing organ that I grew in my own body kept my baby alive and healthy, will continue to bless us.  I am anxious to compare postpartum experiences between my daughter which I did not ingest the placenta and this time.  I did not experience postpartum depression with my daughter however I do think I might have had some slight baby blues around the one month mark.  I also could have used an energy boost and a speedier recovery.

 I completely understand that placenta encapsulation is not for everyone.  I by no means expect you to ingest your placenta.  I am just sharing why I am doing so.

 Did you encapsulate your placenta?  How was your experience?  Would you consider placenta encapsulation?  Do you have any other advice I might want to know or any benefits that I missed?

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