Friday, June 1, 2012

Some Thoughts on Our Sweet Baby's Due Date

There are many times of the year following a miscarriage that are hard. Today is one of them for me. My sweet baby's due date. I did pretty good on Mother's Day. I only was sad for a few moments. I was proud to be all of my children's mother: the one that's here, the two that no longer are, and the one that I can't wait to meet.

Every woman and every family is different. Almost as soon as I miscarried, I decided that I needed to be pregnant before my due date came. I felt somehow that would help me cope because I would have a baby in my life that I loved that wouldn't be here if I hadn't miscarried. Some women can't stand the thought of the pregnancies overlapping, some just need time to cope with the loss of their baby, and some decide they are no longer want to be pregnant. There is no wrong way to approach this. Whatever works for your family is what is right.

Women that are due around when my sweet baby was due are complaining about how uncomfortable they are and how they can't wait to meet their baby. I don't blame them. I know how uncomfortable it is at the end and how anxious I was. I just wish I was complaining, too. Some women have already had their babies and are holding and loving them and figuring out this new life. I'm so happy for them but I wish I were holding my baby, too.

I never really felt any jealousy or resentment towards other pregnant mothers. I was still incredibly happy for them. What has bothered me are the parents that seem to think their children are inconveniences. The ones that yell at their children and make them feel small and insignificant. I just want to scream at them, “Don't you know what a miracle he/she is? You are so blessed and your sweet children just want your love and attention!” Now I'm not perfect and I get frustrated and lose my cool with my daughter sometimes. I'm talking about the parents that are rude, disrespectful, and seems their number one goal is to break their poor child's beautiful spirit.

I am trying to be patient and graceful as I wait three more months to hold my baby. I will be spending today holding my miracle, as much as she'll let me. Please, go and hold your miracle(s). Appreciate how amazing they are. If you are still waiting for a miracle of your own, please notice all of the miracles around you and find the love you have in this world.
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  1. One thing I've learned about my struggle with infertility is to be thankful for what you have. I am thankful everyday for my sweet, happy and healthy Claire, but I do hope that someday, another miracle will come along. I'd love to "decide" that I had to be pregnant by a certain date. Not all women have that luxury. I, like you, am happy for pregnant women, and women with new babies, but I, unlike you, am jealous of them.

    1. When I was miscarrying the twin with this pregnancy but thought I was miscarrying completely, I thought, now what. What am I going to do now? One time can be a fluke but twice in a row could mean there is a problem. I think if I would have miscarried both babies this time, I wouldn't have tried again for awhile. I'm not sure I could have handled it. Losing pregnancies and not getting pregnant are so similar and yet different. I got pregnant fast after my miscarriage so I'm not sure if the jealousy would have come later or not. I'm glad you are thankful for your miracle and I'm hoping you will be blessed with another when the time is right.


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