Friday, March 2, 2012

Embarrassing Moment- One of Many to Come

Embarrassing moments are bound to come up with a two year old that is very curious about the world around her and says EVERTHING that comes into her mind.

We were riding the bus one day and it was pretty busy. My two year old has been around lots of people that look different than her and her family and I never thought much about it. She was in a very big phase of finding something descriptive about a person to kind of “name” them. As people got on and off the bus, she would say hi or bye to them. She was yelling, “hi, brown people” and “bye, black people” and “look at the white people”. I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable but didn't want to in some way tell her that what she was doing was wrong. No one seemed to notice and people were waving and smiling at her.

Eventually, she called one lady a yellow person and one lady a purple person. The “yellow” lady had blonde hair and the “purple” lady was wearing a purple shirt. She had been describing people's hair and clothes, not skin color!

So far, that is really the most embarrassing moment we have had although I know we have more to come. She does look at women sometimes and yells, “That Mommy has a baby in her belly.” So far she has been right but I am terrified that there is going to come a time when she is wrong. She has started to notice that people's bodies look different. She has pointed out that people are big or round but not to where anyone can hear her. I just try to explain that everybody looks different and that that is okay.

Anybody have any other really good, embarrassing stories with their children? Pin It


  1. Natalie was totally mispronouncing the word Wiggle so it sounded like the "n" word and was yelling it out. I almost died, but if I made a big fuss over it she would repeat it non-stop so I just said "wiggle baby, W-I-G-G-L-E". Chris also thought it was hilarious when he was teaching her to say "Fork". She was saying "Shawk" for fork, so he said "f-f-f-f-fork" and she yells out "f**k". Well he thought this was so funny so he got her to repeat it while he filmed it. The next day we had contractors here to do some work and Natalie went and got her fork, ran up to them and said "F**K, F**K". Talk about super embarrassing.
    Oh and there was the time she was running around Barnes and Noble chasing Claire and yelling "God Dangit Claire"...<- that's aaaaalllll daddy!!!!

    1. So funny!!! I'm sure the embarrassement has only just begun!

  2. A few months ago Emmie Lou, Matt, and I were at the store. A little old lady approaches us and gushes over Emmie's curls and smile. She asks us if she could give her a quarter to buy a candy bar, and we obliged. As the sweet old lady handed Emmie the quarter, Emmie says: "Money". Matt then asks her to tell the nice lady: "Thank you", and Emmie did just that.
    As we were heading back to our car in the parking lot, Emmie sees another old lady. Emmie Lou has never met a stranger, and loves meeting new people. So she's pulling Matt and I towards this old woman and then walks over to her, holds out her hand, and says: "Money, please?". I swear I thought I was going to die!!!
    I'll never forget it!

    1. That is hilarious! I remember my cousin doing something like that when we were little!


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